What’s a Rich Text element?
The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.
Static and dynamic content editing
A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!
How to customize formatting for each rich text
Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.
I believe that everyone is born with the potential to do great things, but only a few people actually make it happen. Most people never even try because they're too busy worrying about what other people might think or how hard something may be for them.
I've known and interviewed successful people around the world for over 15 years. During that time, I learned what separates them from everyone else: they are willing to spend more time thinking about their work than anyone else; they focus on improving themselves rather than comparing themselves to others; they do what they do because they love it, not because it pays well or because other people tell them it's good enough; they are able—and willing—to accept help when they know they need it (no matter how much better they may be at something); and lastly, they never stop learning new things about themselves, their industry/business/marketplace, or whatever else interests them.
I’ve been building companies since middle school. I dropped out of high school after both my parents died, escaped foster care and continued to build my business. During the past decade, I’ve built and sold two $1m companies and another company for almost $40 million.
At some point though, I realized I spent too much time building things and not enough time sharing how I built them.
That's why I started writing this blog—to share what I've learned from building my own businesses. Now, we all know that there are tons of resources out there for entrepreneurs—but you won't find anyone else who writes about what it's like to be a founder and CEO from a first-person perspective on this site or anywhere else online!
- How can I optimize my life and work environment?
- How can I systemize my personal life and my business?
- How can I make my business more efficient?
- How can I create a successful company?
My focus for many years has been in optimizing my daily routine to achieve consistent perfection in the habits I do and the work I perform. Naturally, I’ve overcome a host of challenges while running successful, and unsuccessful companies – all of which I share on this here site.
small minds discuss people. average minds discuss events; Great minds discuss ideas.
– Eleanor Roosevelt
So what’s the story behind all this? Why am I the right person to talk to you about these ideas?
Well, let me tell you.
My parents left me when I was young, forcing me to grow up quite quickly. I started my first online business at just 15, partly in foster care.
This forced me at an early age to be ambitious and do what many considered the impossible. By the time I was 18, my business was generating almost a million in annual revenue. Then I was defrauded and lost everything.
It was one of those times where I didn’t listen to my gut feeling.
After that, I was alone and had no clear direction in life. Unable to get a job, I did the only thing I knew how to do; start another company.
Young and naive, I had so much to learn but I pushed on through the highs and lows while I struggled to “make it”.
This new company was profitable in just three months of hard work. In fact, it became even more successful than my previous company.
In that 10-year ordeal, I taught myself pretty much every aspect of growing a company: marketing, sales, managing, customer relations… the whole nine yards really.
The more involved I was, the greater my ambitions became. However, despite my success – I found myself unhappy.
I was working 12 hour days for weeks and months on end, rarely giving myself a break.
My dedication towards success had blindsided me from the reality of my very existence.
My concern wasn’t so much with the number of hours I was working, but with my efficiency during those hours. Using a system of delegation and checklists, I could go on to do bigger and better things. So, I set out to learn more about productivity, health, and mindfulness.
I started reading all things productivity, business, and personal development. From Getting Things Done by David Allen to Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. My area of knowledge on a range of topics became expansive. I also pushed myself outside my comfort zone to do things I never thought I could do, like travel the world and take photographs and even fly airplanes.
Today, I know how to strike a balance between personal development, work and the occasional time off. I maintain a relentless drive not only to create more successful ventures but also to expand my own awareness by constantly optimizing my routines and business systems.
What I share on this blog is a collection of those experiences and workflows with not only managing a multi-national company but in working to become a better person each and every day.
I’m still young, and have many years left on my journey. However, I’m happy to share the experiences, experiments, research, and discoveries that have emerged to put me here and caused you to read this very page. My hope is that you’ll either be inspired, motivated or simply find the resources you need to define your own adventure.
I leave you with a rather short video of some of my favorite quotes put together by my amazing team.